All Resources, Nutrition, Downloadable Resources
MyFitnessPal Guides
Course • 2 lessonsA guide to using the MyFitnessPal (MFP) App for both Android and Iphone in Canva and PDF versions that you can use as stand alone documents or part of a client welcome pack.
All Resources, Webinars, Programming
Recovery Considerations
Course • 1 lessonA look at what to take into account when managing a client’s training volume over time to ensure they rest so they can recover and avoid overtraining.
All Resources, Downloadable Resources, Behaviour Change
Self Determination Theory PDF
Course • 1 lessonAn overview of SDT with examples of ways you can support your clients’ basic psychological needs, supporting their motivation and improving your retention.
All Resources, Webinars, Special Populations
Course • 1 lessonJoin Joseph Agu as he shares his knowledge on Sarcopenia and combating muscle loss / wastage, offering valuable insights into maintaining strength and vitality as we age and working with older (elderly) populations. Recorded live.
All Resources, Downloadable Resources, Programming
Start To Run
Course • 1 lessonAn 11 week programme to take your client from 0 to 60 minutes of running.
All Resources, Webinars, Fat Loss
So Your Client Has Asked About: ZOE
Course • 3 lessonsJoseph Agu looks at the claims and science relating to ZOE in this webinar and the accompanying pdf giving you all the information you need to be able to answer clients' questions on the topic of glucose (blood sugar) monitors with confidence.