Understanding Weight Loss: Integrated Nutritional Periodization 1
Ever wanted to understand the science or evidence behind lots of the weight loss studies but feel like you are unable to digest the studies? Then this course is for you.
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Adherence (Macro Level)
Lesson 3: Adherence (Micro Level)
Lesson 4: Fats vs Carbohydrate 1
Lesson 5: Fats vs Carbohydrate 2
Lesson 6: Fats vs Carbohydrate 3
Lesson 7: Physiology of Weight Loss
Lesson 8: Understanding Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE)
Lesson 9: Adaptations to Dieting - Energy Out
Lesson 10: Adaptations To Dieting - Energy In
Lesson 11: Exercise For Weight Loss
Lesson 12: Diet and Exercise For Weight Loss
Lesson 13: Exercise, Weight Loss and Individual Differences
Lesson 14: Adaptations to Exercise and Weight Loss
Lesson 15: The Impact of Exercise on Energy Intake
Lesson 16: The Impact of Exercise and Chronic Energy Intake
Lesson 17: Under-Reporting 1
Lesson 18: Under-Reporting 2
Lesson 19: Under-Reporting 3
Lesson 20: Successful Dieting 1
Lesson 21: Successful Dieting 2
Lesson 22: Successful Dieting - There is no magic
Lesson 23: Rates of Weight Loss 1
Lesson 24: Rates of Weight Loss 2
Lesson 25: Weight Loss Maintenance
Lesson 26: Energy Flux
Lesson 27: Exercise and Weight Loss Maintenance
Lesson 28: Course Summary
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