Course Content

    1. Workbook

    2. Lesson 1: Introduction

    3. Lesson 2: Terms & Stages of Menopause

    4. Lesson 3: Module 1(A) effects of menopause

    5. Lesson 4: Module 1(B) Major Health Impacts of Menopause

    6. Lesson 5: Module 1(C) Weight gain in menopause

    1. Lesson 6: Module 2(A) General Training Considerations During Menopause

    2. Lesson 7: Module 2(B) Training Considerations For Heart Health

    3. Lesson 8: Module 2(C) Training Considerations For Bone Health

    4. Lesson 9: Module 2(D) Training Considerations For Pelvic Floor Resilience & Health

    1. Lesson 10: Module 3(A) Nutrition For Heart Health In Menopause

    2. Lesson 11: Module 3(B) Nutrition For Bone Health

    3. Lesson 12: Module 3(C) Nutrition For Other Effects Of Menopause

    1. Lesson 13: Module 4(A) Menopause & Stress

    2. Lesson 14: Module 4(B) HRT & Referral

    3. Lesson 15: Module 4(C) Medically Induced Menopause

    4. Lesson 16: Closing Thoughts

    1. Assess What You've Learnt

About this course

  • 18 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content
  • Workbook

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