Course Content

    1. Workbook

    2. Lesson 1: Introduction

    3. Lesson 2: Marketing Types

    4. Lesson 3: Avatars and Funnels: introduction

    5. Lesson 4: Avatar Part 1: Why

    6. Lesson 5: Avatar Part 2: Gender Differences

    7. Lesson 6: Avatar Part 3: Age / Generational Differences

    8. Lesson 7: Avatar Part 4: Empathy Map

    9. Lesson 8: Avatar Part 5: Multiple Avatars and Adjacent Markets (Adjacent Market Reach)

    10. Lesson 9: Audience Connection Part 1: Awareness

    11. Lesson 10: Audience Connection Part 2: Know, Like & Trust

    12. Lesson 11: Funnels

    13. Lesson 12: Introduction to Tools and Tactics

    14. Lesson 13: Audience Influence Part 1: Traffic

    15. Lesson 14: Audience Influence Part 2: Capturing Data

    16. Lesson 15: Audience Influence Part 3: Website structure

    17. Lesson 16: Audience Influence Part 4: Blog content

    18. Lesson 17: Audience Influence Part 5: Social Media

    19. Lesson 18: Audience Influence Part 6: Facebook Groups

    20. Lesson 19: Audience Influence Part 7: Email Marketing

    21. Lesson 20: Audience Influence Part 8: Googliness

    22. Lesson 21: Audience Influence Part 9 - Messenger Bots

    23. Lesson 22: Audience Influence Part 10: In Gym Activity

    24. Lesson 23: Audience Influence Part 11: Copywriting

    25. Lesson 24: Call to Action Part 1: Using Trial Offers

    26. Lesson 25: Call to Action Part 2: Referral Campaigns

    27. Lesson 26: Bringing a strategy together part 1

    28. Lesson 27: Bringing a strategy together part 2

    29. Lesson 28: How To: Build Custom Facebook Audiences

    30. Lesson 29: How To: Build Facebook Adverts

    31. Lesson 30: How To: Social Media Usage Examples

    32. Lesson 31: How To: Set Up An Email List

    1. Assess what you have learnt

About this course

  • 33 lessons
  • 9 hours of video content
  • Workbook

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