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    1. About This Course

    1. Acronyms

    2. Grip Positions

    3. Spine Positions

    4. Range Of Motion

    5. Lats

    1. Internal and External Rotation

    2. Split Squats And Lunges

    3. Breathing

    4. Bracing

    5. Muscle Roles During Movement

    6. Types Of Muscle Contraction

    7. Supersets

    1. Programming - The Prequel

    2. Programming Part 1: What Do You Need To Consider

    3. Programming Part 2: Decision Making

    4. Programming Part 3: What Happens Next

    5. Programming Extra 1A: Group Training

    6. Programming Extra 1B: Group Training Examples

    7. Programming Extra 2: Limited Space And Equipment

    1. Warm Ups

About this course

  • 21 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

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