Course Content

    1. Workbook

    2. Hypertrophy Introduction 1:

    3. Hypertrophy Introduction 2:

    4. Hypertrophy Introduction 3:

    5. Why Everyone Needs To Train For Hypertrophy

    1. Mechanical Tension

    2. Mechanical Tension Visual

    3. Muscle Damage

    4. Metabolic Stress

    5. Mechanism Summary

    1. Fatigue Introduction

    2. Intra-Session Fatigue

    3. Inter-Session Fatigue

    1. Hypertrophy Periodization

    1. Volume Introduction

    2. Volume - How Many Sets?

    3. High Volume Studies

    4. Per Session Training Volume

    5. Individual Responses To Training Volume

    6. How Much Volume For My Client?

    7. Volume Progression and Set Accumulation 1

    8. Volume Progression and Set Accumulation 2

    9. Maintenance Volume and Section Summary

    1. Intensity 1: The “Hypertrophy Rep Range”

    2. Intensity 2: Reps In Reserve

    3. Effective Reps

    4. Training To Failure

    5. Training Frequency

About this course

  • 60 lessons
  • 16 hours of video content
  • Workbook

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